How 2-Way Synchronization Will Help You Secure Data!

Picture two people working remotely apart from each other on the same project. They make progress during the week, but when they attempt to compare notes, it becomes a huge mess trying to mesh the two projects.

You can avoid situations like this.

With 2-way synchronization, data is mirrored in real-time and solve these issues.

What is 2-Way Synchronization?

2-way synchronization is a specific type of file synchronization. File synchronization is the process that enables two locations to contain the same information simultaneously. If any changes are made in one database, it also affects the other one.

Another form of synchronization is one-way synchronization. When using one-way synchronization, only the content or changes from the main location are copied to the other location. It is essentially a backup storage in case you ever lose access to the main one.

In case the synchronization is bidirectional (another word for 2-way synchronization), however, both sides can change a file. In this case, they are considered equal in their permissions to change the content.

For example, if file A changes, so will file B as soon as the system detects the change (which happens almost instantly). However, unlike one-directional systems, if file B changes, so will file A as well.

In most cases, the files do not need to be in the same program for the synchronization to work. You can use two different software and still have access.

There are ways to customize the permissions of the synchronized locations, too. For example, you can set it up so one of them can delete files, but the other cannot, even if both can make changes to the files. This setting comes in handy if you need to work with a person that is not a part of your company, such as a third-party contractor.

Why is 2-Way Synchronization Important?

Of course, you already know the dangers of keeping all your data in one place – if your system is ever hacked, you may lose access to everything.

Also, using 2-way synchronization programs can enable you to work using multiple tools at the same time and increase efficiency in remote work.

Protection Against Ransomware

Offices all around the globe went remote during the COVID-19 outbreak. Unfortunately, this trend opened many new possibilities for hackers. So far, the surge in global ransomware has gone up 40% this year.

Hackers keep upgrading their technology to be more efficient, you need to do the same with your cyber defenses. Ransomware can only encrypt servers that it has access to. If you have another secure method of reaching your files, you may be able to circumvent any problems with your backup.

Getting hit by ransomware can cost thousands, if not millions of dollars to your business, so it is smart to have a failsafe plan if your company is ever hit by surprise.

Increase in Productivity

This technology enables you to open a file in more than one program simultaneously.  Nowadays, cloud services can offer a helping hand if you wish to use email tools, CRM, or ERP systems at the same time.

By synching the information, you will not have to copy the same file to a different location. Even if you are working alone, synching can significantly reduce the time lost by managing several different files. Your productivity will go up and you will have more flexibility and options of programs to use.

Efficiency in Remote Work

Another major advantage of using a program with 2-way synchronization is that you can cut the time spent using the files considerably. When two or more employees are working on a file at the same time but cannot see each other changes, there is often confusion and a lag in efficiency.

If you have to wait for feedback before you work, you can lose precious time, too. By using this system, instant feedback is possible without even having to leave your screen.

Advantages and Disadvantages of 2-Way Synchronization

2-way synchronization programs can help you in several situations. Unfortunately, they also have a couple of drawbacks if your internet access is limited or you have security issues.


These are some of the advantages you stand to gain from adopting a 2-way synchronization system:

  • Solve synchronization issues: Bidirectional syncing keeps files in both locations up to date, making sure that real-time data is available to users regardless of which storage they access.
  • Administrators can check versions easily: Another important perk is that system administrators can ensure that data across different platforms is maintained properly. With a versioning system, it is even possible to keep old versions of files, so you can check how they are changing and see the history of the document.
  • Manage teams remotely: By sharing the same files, you can manage a team remotely without having to put in more effort to bring everyone up to speed.
  • More control over remote files: You can set up the system so that the select few with Admin rights will be the only ones with certain permissions to change/delete files. Other employees will be able to make changes with restrictions.
  • Remote backup: This system provides a handy remote system that will serve as a backup in case of data loss or cyber-attacks.


You should be aware that 2-way synchronization also comes with a few cons if not properly harnessed.

  • Responsibility in managing access: Being careful so that harmful third-parties will not access your files and change them is your responsibility. 2-way synchronization can be dangerous if there are no proper restrictions in place or if access codes are given to the majority of the users.
  • Can get messy if offline: You can expect most systems to work well while you are online. If you get offline, however, files may be desynchronized. In this case, depending on the software you are using, you may run into a few problems.

Essential Features That Your 2-Way Synchronization Programs Should Have

If you are hunting for software that will allow your business to use 2-way synchronization hitch-free, you will want to check this list of essential features:

  • Encryption: It is one of the most important features to improve your security. If your information is not encrypted, attackers can potentially view sensitive information when they access your system during a cyberattack.
  • Synchronization only when needed: You need a smart system that will only synchronize data when essential. If your system is constantly trying to synchronize, your program may run slower as a result.
  • Simple user interface: A confusing interface may make work harder as you may need to train your employees on how to use it. Pick a model that has a straightforward and clean design. This way, even people who are not used to the new system can quickly adapt to using it.
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN): Sometimes, your employees may need to travel while they work. If they do not use a VPN, they may face some restrictions depending on their location.
  • Swift customer support: Pick an option that offers a responsive customer support system. Unexpected issues can arise anytime, 24/7 access to support is essential to avoid a crisis.
  • Version control: Versioning can help you to keep track of all the changes made to your files. By maintaining different versions of a file on a server, you can go back if you change your mind about changes made or if you want to check details in a previous version.
  • Mobile access: In a world where more than 3.5 billion people have smartphones, mobile access is important. A service that is compatible with mobile devices will speed up your employees’ response and lets them work when they are without immediate access to a computer.
  • File compression: Compression is essential if you prefer to conserve space, especially if you regularly deal with huge files.

Triofox Has The Right 2-Way Synchronization System For You

Our company, Triofox, provides software solutions for businesses that need to manage remote work and protect their files. Our services include secure remote file server access, 2-way synchronization file-sharing systems, cloud migration, encryption, and so much more.

Check out Triofox solutions and upgrade your file-sharing systems today. Also, signup today to see how it works here