Migrate Data to Cloud with Triofox

Migrate Data to Cloud

Cloud computing and storage was one of the major enablers of businesses around the globe over the last decade. It may have started as a buzzword in 2010, but the infrastructure that supports cloud adoption can now transform how your company and employees perform work. Analysts expect the global public cloud services market to reach $623.3 billion by 2023.

Cloud migration also means different things to different organizations. A single team may not need all the company information available in the cloud, so you may want to implement a hybrid system that only provides access to specific files from outside the network. With Triofox, you can quickly migrate the on-premises data to the cloud and set up a remote access solution that remains secure while enabling remote work.

What Happens When You Migrate Business Data to the Cloud?

The cloud is the term you use for information that remains accessible from outside your corporate network. Once you move your data to the cloud, your staff can access files and folders from any connected device using a secure connection. Every company will have different needs, so the cloud migration strategy you use should consider your business needs. Triofox helps you to use your existing IT infrastructure as part of your cloud deployment.

Why Should You Migrate Your Business Data to the Cloud?

To understand the benefits of moving your business data to the cloud, you’ll need to consider your current pain points. If you regularly consume more IT resources than you have available, a cloud service can help you overcome those challenges. Some of the biggest benefits of cloud migration include:

  • Reduced cost of resources as you only pay for what you use.
  • Improved redundancy as you no longer depend on on-premises servers.
  • Increased performance of the IT systems and greater productivity from your resources.
  • Greater elasticity and self-service provisioning.

How Is Your Data Stored in the Cloud?

All your business-critical data that’s in the cloud still exists on servers. The difference is that you’re no longer responsible for provisioning and maintaining your servers (unless you opt to deploy a hybrid cloud model. Most organizations prefer a hybrid model as it gives you control over specific parts of your IT infrastructure while making service providers responsible for other portions.

If you want to deploy only some of your business data to the cloud, you can use Triofox for your cloud migration strategy. The software enables you to provide remote access from any workstation with a secure connection to either on-premises file servers and other data or third-party cloud services.

How to Establish a Secure Connection to Retrieve Data from the Cloud?

Every implementation is different and uses a variety of cloud migration services that will influence how you find your information. Triofox enables you to configure and map a cloud network drive accessible from your employee’s workstation or mobile device. If your organization uses Microsoft Active Directory, you can maintain your current network and drive structures while granting access to the specific file server shares to your employees.

Start Your Cloud Migration Checklist by Checking Out Triofox

Triofox is a smart and secure way to start your cloud migration checklist. It ensures you control all your data sources from a single management console without increasing data sprawl. Using your existing network layout, on-premises infrastructure, and employee credentials, you can start your cloud migration with Triofox quickly.

If you want more information about how to migrate to the cloud using Triofox, schedule a demo with us today.

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